
HGEN DAO's token economic model is designed to promote platform participation, enhance governance transparency, and drive sustainable ecosystem growth.

1. Token Distribution:

① Investor: 30% allocated for HGEN DAO' s VC fund to support continuous investment. The tokens are locked for 6 months , followed by a 3% monthly release over the next 6 months. The remaining 12% will be granted at the end of the release period.

② Staking: 30% for investors to participate indirectly and receive HGEN DAO investment returns through staking tokens. Various products are offered, including demand, term, fixed, and floating interes trates , corresponding to different investment blocks of HGEN DAO.

③ Market Cap: 15% for providing initial liquidity pools for DEX and market-making funds for listing on exchanges .

④ Ecosystem: 13% to support HGEN DAO-invested and incubated ecosystem projects .

⑤ Team: 5% for marketing activities and ensuring DApp liquidity. The tokens are locked for 6 months , followed by a 10% monthly release after the lock-up period.

⑥ IT: 5% for the development fund to support technical innovation and produc titeration. The tokens are locked for 6 months , followed by a 10% monthly release after the lock-up period.

⑦ Airdrop: 2% for early user incentives to encourage participation.

2. Incentive Mechanisms

a) Staking Rewards: A mechanism to incentivize users to hold and stake HGEN tokens for long-term support of network security and earn rewards .

b) Governance Rights: Token holder s participate in important decision-making processes with in the DAO, such as fund allocation and project selection, ensuring decentralized governance.

c) Trading Fee Discounts: Users enjoy reduced transaction fees when using HGEN tokens for transactions , enhancing token circulation and utility.

3. Buyback and destruction plan

Token Buyback and Burn: HGEN DAO will establish a buyback and burn mechanism. In addition to using a portion of the transaction fees for buyback, 30% of the profits from its external investments will also be used to repurchase HGEN tokens on the market. This aims to increase the scarcity and value of the tokens by reducing the circulating supply and utilizing actual profits, thereby incentivizing token holders and investors.

Token Lock-up and Gradual Release Plan: To reduce market volatility and provide long-term value stability, HGEN tokens will have a 12-month lock-up period for the team and early investors, followed by a gradual release at a rate of 2% per month. This gradual release strategy aims to balance market supply and prevent large-scale sell pressure from negatively impacting the token price.

Last updated